We have yet to feature Saudi Arabia in Hijrah destinations for lack of information about how life is for Muhajireen fi sabilillah. The simple fact being that it is sadly not as popular destination for Hijrah as one might think. All muhajireen I know think of Saudi Arabia as the place you go for Hajj and Umrah and then LEAVE. I have some anecdotes from Muhajireen who have lived in Saudi Arabia as Muhajireen and none of them rate the place as being good to protect your Deen. Corruption in regular everyday life is rife and especially homosexual acts. I have been reported this by EVERY Muhajir I spoke with. And as for the benefit of having the Qa'ba near for Hajj and Umrah, even if you have a residence visa for KSA you must get another visa to do these acts of worship. SubhanAllah. The level of Deen lived in KSA is reported by the Muhajireen as being very superficial and lacking substance. You cannot have weekly gatherings at your house for anything, and especially not for learning ilm ad-Deen. Opportunities for studying religion are available in most major centres for men but there isn't much available for women except for Um al-Qura university in Makkah. Muhajireen were generally disappointed with ISlam in KSA and left once they'd completed their contracts or University courses. It is a sad situation. Hijrah to KSA doesn't rate except for making Hajj and Umrah. If you are a muhajir in KSA and have some positive comments please share.