I have yet to mention Turkey anywhere on my blog to date but now, but now it seems it has become a popular destination for muhajireen.
A friend of mine moved to Turkey a few years ago for work due to everything closing down during the political uprisings and she hated it, but the Syria happened and muhajireen flocked to Turkey and she found herself amongst "family". Now I have corroborated reports of Turkey being the place to go.
Getting in is not so difficult, but check your visa requirements. Even people on the "no-fly" enter Turkey without hassle.
At the moment the call is out for teachers of Arabic and Islam, Quran teachers, they are so short of these teachers they will accept someone to teach Quran even if they only have a few juz memorised. Generally people wanting professional work in Turkey will need to be qualified.
Of course one of the pull features is the possibility of and Islamic state or enclave formed in Turkey's neighbour. Many have flocked to Turkey for Syria and the hadith of akhir zaman when Rasool Allah says to us to "join the armies in Ash-Sham (Syria/Lebanon/Jordan/Palestine) or go to Yemen..."
Turkey might be a good option for new muhajireen who may not be up to living in a mud hut or in abject poverty. Turkey is mixed but slowly coming toward Islam, much more than ten years ago at any rate. YOu will still find there alcohol and night clubs and the like of shaytan venues, but you will find these in the khaleej too. Turkey could also make a good first point to get settled and meet people to help you to better things if Turkey isn't your idea of a suitable hijrah.
Definitely worth looking into. More to come about Turkey as the info comes to me from people living there.
A friend of mine moved to Turkey a few years ago for work due to everything closing down during the political uprisings and she hated it, but the Syria happened and muhajireen flocked to Turkey and she found herself amongst "family". Now I have corroborated reports of Turkey being the place to go.
Getting in is not so difficult, but check your visa requirements. Even people on the "no-fly" enter Turkey without hassle.
At the moment the call is out for teachers of Arabic and Islam, Quran teachers, they are so short of these teachers they will accept someone to teach Quran even if they only have a few juz memorised. Generally people wanting professional work in Turkey will need to be qualified.
Of course one of the pull features is the possibility of and Islamic state or enclave formed in Turkey's neighbour. Many have flocked to Turkey for Syria and the hadith of akhir zaman when Rasool Allah says to us to "join the armies in Ash-Sham (Syria/Lebanon/Jordan/Palestine) or go to Yemen..."
Turkey might be a good option for new muhajireen who may not be up to living in a mud hut or in abject poverty. Turkey is mixed but slowly coming toward Islam, much more than ten years ago at any rate. YOu will still find there alcohol and night clubs and the like of shaytan venues, but you will find these in the khaleej too. Turkey could also make a good first point to get settled and meet people to help you to better things if Turkey isn't your idea of a suitable hijrah.
Definitely worth looking into. More to come about Turkey as the info comes to me from people living there.