Before the Arab Spring political upheavals, muhajireen often faced arrest without reason just for being Westerners in their hijrah locations. Some muhajireen moved from place to place seeking visas and work with the main obstacle being the political security and intelligence offices.
I remember those days, we all were so worried every time we tried to renew our visas that the security/intelligence services would not stamp our papers. Sometimes they kept our passports for extended periods of time with no explanations. Sometimes they handed back our passports and sometimes they arrested us.
The beginning of the Arab Spring some of us felt a twinge of hope that maybe Islam would get a chance, but the main call was for democracy and "freedom" whatever they think that is, it didn't seem they were looking at all into Islam. The Arab Spring soon became bitter disappointment and many of our hijrah destinations dried up. Some managed to travel to other inshaALlah better places. I personally stayed in the same country for the entire Arab Spring period and witnessed the daily senseless killings. I saw bodies being piled up in hilux vans and sped off to hospitals. It was so senseless and there was no place in it for a Muhajir but to watch and make dua. It was not an Islamic fight, it was tribal, factional and personal in some cases; neighbour against neighbour at times.
I consider the Arab Springs to be failures but something that was necessary. Something like furqan - it sifted people into for and against in further polarised distances. The more I read about Akhir Zaman (the end of time) the more everything that I see personally happening and what I see in the news from around the world fits very neatly into what Allah the Most High has already told us.
Now we are living in the "loot for your life" phase. Looting not necessarily people's belongings, but looting from those trying to grab the scraps left over on the plate. The people totally missed out on gaining any improvements - not even to return to the Deen as the way of living.
These days we are seeing fierce fighting and reckless killing in al-Sham, and fighting in Libya and in Yemen the sectarian divide between Sunni and Shia (which was once barely noticeable) is widening rapidly as Houthi Shiah rebels (with Iranian backing) sweep across the country. Before the Houthi take-overs AQAP was very quiet, but since the Houthis have devastated Sunni places of learning, many students, I dare say, have physically joined with AQ rather than just being sympathetic with them. Tribes vehemently against Houthis taking them over have also joined or cooperate with AQ. And of course the US drone strikes continue, now also hitting tribesmen who are cooperating with AQ, so in effect, America is helping the Houthis who chant publically "Death to America" but in private, there is nothing in their slogan.
As a muhajir living through these times, one feels an extra level of uncertainty and confusion of what to do. Frustration is building and decision making has taken on a whole new dimension. Stay, go , relocate, wait and see...Allah guide us!
I ask Allah to guide all the muhajireen wherever they are and put them in the best place for their duniya and akhira. I ask Allah to make us steadfast upon His Path.
I remember those days, we all were so worried every time we tried to renew our visas that the security/intelligence services would not stamp our papers. Sometimes they kept our passports for extended periods of time with no explanations. Sometimes they handed back our passports and sometimes they arrested us.
The beginning of the Arab Spring some of us felt a twinge of hope that maybe Islam would get a chance, but the main call was for democracy and "freedom" whatever they think that is, it didn't seem they were looking at all into Islam. The Arab Spring soon became bitter disappointment and many of our hijrah destinations dried up. Some managed to travel to other inshaALlah better places. I personally stayed in the same country for the entire Arab Spring period and witnessed the daily senseless killings. I saw bodies being piled up in hilux vans and sped off to hospitals. It was so senseless and there was no place in it for a Muhajir but to watch and make dua. It was not an Islamic fight, it was tribal, factional and personal in some cases; neighbour against neighbour at times.
I consider the Arab Springs to be failures but something that was necessary. Something like furqan - it sifted people into for and against in further polarised distances. The more I read about Akhir Zaman (the end of time) the more everything that I see personally happening and what I see in the news from around the world fits very neatly into what Allah the Most High has already told us.
Now we are living in the "loot for your life" phase. Looting not necessarily people's belongings, but looting from those trying to grab the scraps left over on the plate. The people totally missed out on gaining any improvements - not even to return to the Deen as the way of living.
These days we are seeing fierce fighting and reckless killing in al-Sham, and fighting in Libya and in Yemen the sectarian divide between Sunni and Shia (which was once barely noticeable) is widening rapidly as Houthi Shiah rebels (with Iranian backing) sweep across the country. Before the Houthi take-overs AQAP was very quiet, but since the Houthis have devastated Sunni places of learning, many students, I dare say, have physically joined with AQ rather than just being sympathetic with them. Tribes vehemently against Houthis taking them over have also joined or cooperate with AQ. And of course the US drone strikes continue, now also hitting tribesmen who are cooperating with AQ, so in effect, America is helping the Houthis who chant publically "Death to America" but in private, there is nothing in their slogan.
As a muhajir living through these times, one feels an extra level of uncertainty and confusion of what to do. Frustration is building and decision making has taken on a whole new dimension. Stay, go , relocate, wait and see...Allah guide us!
I ask Allah to guide all the muhajireen wherever they are and put them in the best place for their duniya and akhira. I ask Allah to make us steadfast upon His Path.