Channel: Glad Tidings to the Strangers
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You Will Be Tested 2

Tested with... “loss of wealth, lives and fruits.” To tell you the truth, in my 6 years of hijrah I haven’t met a single muhajir fi sabilillah who hasn’t been tested heavily with loss of wealth, lives and fruits. A muhajir might have a flash job earning big money with all the perks and suddenly finds himself in jail as the signatory of a bounced company cheque (as is the law in UAE for example). Or he isn’t using all that income in a good way, so Allah swt takes it away. Or on the other end of the scale you may be in a very poorly paid job hardly making enough to cover daily expenses. The test is every day and all levels of wealth, from the rich to poor have their own tests. Being a muhajir you are in essence in a foreign country (until an Islamic state can be revived) so losing wealth is a very stressful experience. This is why muhajireen and those travellers stuck in a land are entitled to money from zakat (until an Islamic state can be revived), you’re not going to get any help from the government of your hijrah country and that government may well work again. Muhajireen travel a lot, not always because they want to. Travel may be due to no job opportunities in a country, visa problems, sectarian violence, or looking for better Islamic opportunities and study. The more someone moves around in the world the more of their personal belongings they lose, or break, disappear in cargo, stolen..etc. Loss of fruits is as loss of wealth and as time goes on, you will lighten your load making it easy for you to be nimble in this fleeting life. Any muhajir who experienced the violence and upheaval of the Arab Spring revolutions will understand the stress of being in such turmoil. Some people back home commented naively to me that it is an opportunity for jihad, but it is not, sectarian and tribal violence is totally out of bounds. Any jihad at this time is purely self-defence and delivered from inside your home! During a revolution the people of the country are very volatile and passionate and can do anything. Most of all they will be suspicious of the foreigner. You are more liable to be arrested for no reason and you will find death more pleasing than jail. At least as muhajireen we can feel secure in Allah’s promise that muhajireen who die in hijrah or travelling to hijrah are shuhada’. If you haven’t already made hijrah, you may think after reading this why on earth would you do it if it is so dangerous. Simply the answer is AJR – the rewards in the Hereafter are immense. The rewards in duniya are not totally absent either and a hijrah made with true intention is despite the hardships, sweet. Allah the Most Merciful says in His Book in Surat Yusuf ayah 12, “No one despairs Allah’s Mercy except the people who disbelieve.” No matter how desperate your situation becomes, Allah will deliver relief be it in this life or the next.

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